About me

Η φωτογραφία μου
Zodiac Sign:capricorn.Well pretty much that says it all:logical,humorous,responsible,organised(?),dictatorical,pessimist,ambitious,fire under the ice, etc.If you asked me, till astrologists decide about my crazy sign, i'd say a daydreamer.

Σάββατο 20 Μαρτίου 2010


There are some days you wish you hadnt got up from bed. For example today i realised my favourite boots were torn. And then it's THEM.
At your slightest fall , they make it longer, harder, unbearable.Relatives, neighbours etc. sometimes give the impression that they wait for you to go down just to make it even more noticeable with their noisy questions , observations and so on..
Well models fall from catwalks too but they get up , dont they?

 In the end the point i guess is to have the right arms beside you to catch you, if not pick you up, from your fall....

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