About me

Η φωτογραφία μου
Zodiac Sign:capricorn.Well pretty much that says it all:logical,humorous,responsible,organised(?),dictatorical,pessimist,ambitious,fire under the ice, etc.If you asked me, till astrologists decide about my crazy sign, i'd say a daydreamer.

Τετάρτη 28 Απριλίου 2010


Lately everywhere i go i hear girls complaining about boys. Boys who dont give them enough attention etc. Or boys complaining about girls who think they are boys and so on and on. So confusing..
Women and men, stylish and switching roles...In fashion images and role of the sexes are much easier and "let go" than in real life..

Androgyne...........- feminine..........

(i couldnt forget Melina as Stella)

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