About me

Η φωτογραφία μου
Zodiac Sign:capricorn.Well pretty much that says it all:logical,humorous,responsible,organised(?),dictatorical,pessimist,ambitious,fire under the ice, etc.If you asked me, till astrologists decide about my crazy sign, i'd say a daydreamer.

Δευτέρα 5 Απριλίου 2010


Easter is gone .I hope it made our heart lighter. But SPRING is still here ..Sun,long walks+the smell from the orange and lemon trees.. shoes wish-to-buy, Keith Richards as a pirate at dvd(pirates of the caribbean)
and some ... birds to ruin your sunny day. Be careful when you walk under trees..Youll never know what might fall  from above if you know what i mean..
Anyway here are some spring  spirited girls (according to me)luis vuitton

source:dazed+confused mag

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